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  • Kay Kuehn

Just Sayin'...

Updated: Jan 28, 2020

I am taking a bold step as I ask you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to help Open Hands. He may not be calling you to make a monetary donation to assists us in reaching our goal for the Thrivent Challenge Grant. Perhaps He is calling you to volunteer or donate food to our Emergency Food shelf. If none of these are ways you feel you are being called may I asked you to consider a small favor? Would you please pray for Open Hands, our Board of Directors and most importantly those we serve each and every week? Without your prayer support we would not be where we are today so thank you very much. Open Hands began with the prayers of a few which has evolved into the prayers of many. So whatever way you can support our efforts let me offer my grateful thanks, just sayin'...

Many people are touched by dementia or Alzhiemer's in their family. I am one of them. My Mom has Alzheimers. With that in mind I want to share with you a couple priceless things that I have experienced as I have spent some time with my Mom recently. When I was growing up my Mom began calling me by the nickname of Bubs and it stuck to this day. Very few people call me that anymore but I always appreciate that I am Bubs to her. I tell you that because on a recent visit I was going to be leaving so my Dad said to her, "You better give Bubs a big hug before she leaves." My Mom turned to me and embraced me with the biggest hug, the kind where you feel as though you are being squeezed to death, ya know what I mean? Her head was right next to mine and she kissed me on the check, pushed back, looked me in the eye and said, "I love you so much" and then she smiled at me. I told her I loved her so much too. As I walked out the door I could not help but smile. I told my Dad that it left a smile on my face and in my heart, what a wonderful way to leave her that day.

Of course a visit with my Mom often has a humorous side as well. One day as she, my Dad and I were going to walk out of her apartment she opened a nearby closet door instead. As she looked into the closet my Dad said, "Is there anyone in there?" She said, "Yes." My Dad then asked her "Who?" This is where the laughter came, and keep in mind my Mom just moved right on to whatever she was going to do next. She said, "Mostly women" and shut the door. Another smile and some laughs were left with me after that incident. On another visit, as we walked in the hall, she stopped, took my hand up to her face and repeatedly kissed my hand. Then we simply went on walking down the hall as we were. Finally I share with you a comment she made to my Dad when he was leaving her one night. Her words to him were, "God is watching over us, we are so fortunate." It amazes me that in the midst of a wounded mind my Mom still realizes the blessings God has bestowed upon her. She was, is and always will be a woman of faith and I am grateful she instilled that in me over the years. Yes my dear Mom can make me smile in so many ways, I hope she makes you smile when you read this as well, just sayin'.... Do people who come to Open Hands have reason to smile? I like to think they do but I also know there are many who do not. On a recent Monday I encountered a couple and a single woman who came to eat. The single woman encouraged the couple to join her this particular day. The couple asked me if it was possible to get sleeping bags as they were having to sleep outside. After I gave the couple the sleeping bags the woman of the couple said to her friend who brought them, "I'm so glad you encouraged us to come here today." I proceeded to ask if they had gotten some of our give away food that day. The woman took my hand and said, "Yes we did. We only took what we needed, we didn't want to be greedy. Thank you so much, you have made our day, now we will be warm" and she smiled. Even when all appears on the outside to be hopeless, this woman found a reason to smile in the simple gift of a sleeping bag and some food. It put a smile on my face and in my heart that day too. Sometimes the kindness we show is more than anything we will ever realize. I hope you get to experience some of the smiles I do each Monday from people who one would think have no reason to smile, just sayin'.....

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