Merry Christmas from the Open Hands Midway staff and our Board of Directors. As is my custom, you will see images of the Charlie Brown Christmas in this column every December. To me there is not a better way to share the true meaning of Christmas than this. With that I invite you to click on the image of Charlie Brown and Linus Van Pelt to hear Linus share the true meaning of Christmas. Every year I look forward to watching the Charles Schultz classic A Charlie Brown Christmas. The meaning of the show conveys the message of what Christmas is really all about. My favorite character, Linus, recites the true meaning of Christmas in the show. This is a message I feel has gotten lost as we seek to buy the perfect gifts, have the best holiday lights displays, and make all kinds of special foods to eat. Maybe the best thing to do is just take the time to slow down and listen to the words Linus shares while truly realizing Christmas is more than 'stuff'. Maybe we just need to keep in mind that God loved the world so much that He sent his son to be the Savior of the world. Maybe we need to hear that more often, not only at Christmas time, just sayin'...
During the months of September and October I lost 3 friends who also happen to be volunteers for Open Hands Midway. Dennis was a faithful volunteer who picked up food from Target in Shoreview and Kowalski's on Grand Avenue for years (along with his wife Loretta who was also a volunteer and passed away several years ago). Dennis was a quiet guy, loved to fish, love to serve others and someone that I still find hard to fathom has left this earth. I miss him very much!
In October my friend Mary died. Mary was a volunteer who came faithfully every Monday and Wednesday to help prepare the meal, serve the meal and clean up after the meal. She LOVED to golf, she had a heart for serving others and her presence is greatly missed each time we serve meals. I miss joking with her and hearing her say the simple refrain of the song "AMEN" after our pre-meal prayers each week.
In November my friend Bob died. Bob was instrumental in arranging all the volunteers who picked up food from Target in Shoreview and delivered it to Open Hands Midway on the weekends before the pandemic. Bob always had a smile on his face, he enjoyed hauling food in his Chevy Silverado, and he laughed alot. I miss Bob's smile and laugh.
Three friends, three lives that touched more than mine, and three lives missed dearly. We were blessed to have had them as Open Hands Midway volunteers, just sayin'...
I have often shared here how much fun I have riding my bicycle. I shake my head when I realize it is December 14 as I write this and last night I went on a 20 mile twilight bike ride! For a self proclaimed bike-a-holic this is truly exciting. For snow lovers, well, sorry, I will not be praying for snow to arrive anytime soon. I have reached a personal milestone of bike miles that might make you shake your head. From March 26 of this year, and still going, I have biked 4,625 miles! I know, what?! From the East Coast to the West Coast (Lower 48 states) it is 2,742 miles. That means I have basically biked across the county, turned to head back and I have 1,883 miles to go. I am pretty sure I will NOT get that many more miles in this year. But I do plan to ride even if it is a little snowy, cuz I am addicted, just sayin'...
As 2023 comes to a close I am so grateful for the trust placed in me by our Board of Directors to lead Open Hands Midway. I will begin my 10th year in 2024. Open Hands Midway continues to do some pretty awesome things in our community. We look forward with anticipation and excitement for 2024. From myself, my Board of Directors, and Chef Steve, let me wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year. I hope that the true meaning of Christmas will fill your heart and your soul today and every day as you strive to shine your light brightly to make the world just a little better place in the coming year, just sayin'...