Freely we receive, Freely we give
Celebrating 15 Years in 2024
OUR MISSION: To serve the St. Paul Midway and surrounding area by leveraging contributors' gifts in providing a means for those who are economically challenged to obtain nutritious meals, groceries and personal supplies, along with access to an array of community resources.
Food Shelf Volunteering
Information About our Food Shelf
NOTE: ALL volunteers must complete the Volunteer Application, Waiver of Insurance, and Information and Photo Release forms which are found by clicking here before beginning a volunteer position at the Open Hands Midway food shelf.
Open Hands Midway appreciates donations we receive. However, we are not able to accept refrigerated foods, frozen foods, bread and bakery items or expired foods.
To schedule a appointment to drop off your food donation, please call 651-646-6549 x4 or email us at info@openhandsmidway.org
Open Hands Midway welcomes food donations to stock our food shelf. Below are items we provide and encourage you to donate. In addition to food, we also accept items such as kleenex, toilet paper, paper towel and other personal care products. NOTE: Foods pictured below are meant as examples only, you may purchase any brand of a particular item shown.
Thank you for helping us serve our beloved community members.

Baked Beans

Bar Soap

Beef Stew

Bottled Juice

Boxed Cereal

Boxed Potatoes

Canned Chicken

Canned Fruit

Canned Vegetables

Crackers (Saltine OR Ritz)

Dish Soap



Macaroni & Cheese


Paper Towel

Pasta Side Dishes

Peanut Butter




Rice Side Dishes

Salad Dressing


Spaghetti Noodles

Spaghetti O's

Spaghetti Sauce

Soup (Chunky & Progresso)

Toilet Paper
