Freely we receive, Freely we give
Celebrating 15 Years in 2024
OUR MISSION: To serve the St. Paul Midway and surrounding area by leveraging contributors' gifts in providing a means for those who are economically challenged to obtain nutritious meals, groceries and personal supplies, along with access to an array of community resources.
Everyone is welcome
Love changes people
Everyone has gifts to share
All things are possible
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$15,000 Goal
Open Hands Midway is 15, yes, it is our 15th Anniversary! Over these past 15 years we have faithfully served the Hamline-Midway, Union Park and surrounding neighborhoods. Our Board of Directors came up with the idea of raising $15,000.00 to celebrate. How can you help? Over the course of 2024-2025, we hope many people will want to celebrate by donating $15.00. Spread the word and see if you can inspire family and friends to join you. It can be fun to know that your $15.00 will help stock our food shelf, provide food for our meal programs or provide all the things necessary to make meal service happen each and every week. As part of our 15th Anniversary, would you consider committing to donating $15.00 a month? Click here to give $15.00 now or set up a monthly recurring donation of $15.00 to reach our $15,000.00 goal.
Monday Meals
12 pm to 2 pm
(See Calendar for Closures)
Wednesday Meals
12 pm to 2 pm
(See Calendar for Closures)
Food Shelf
12 pm to 2 pm
2nd & 4th Tuesday of Each Month
(See Calendar for Closures)